Muzikkon Afghani Rubab Full Sadafi Mulberry
The Rubab is in the lute family. Traditionally it is carved out of a single piece of mulberry wood. The neck and upper body are hollow and covered with a thin piece of wood. The lower body, the resonating chamber, is covered with goat skin. The three main playing strings are usually tuned a fourth apart. The strings are tuned, low to high, C#, F#, and B. In addition, there are 12 to 16 sympathetic strings, which are tuned for the raga one is playing. It has three tied-on frets near the top of the neck the rest of the fingerboard is fretless.
- Full Sadafi (Full Fingerboard Decorated with inlay)
- Carvings on the back
- Body Made of Mulberry
- Soundboard made of goatskin
- 6 main strings & 13 sympathetic
- Movable bridge
- 3 fixed corded frets
- 36 to 38” Long